Book Chelwood

SKU: chelwood


Your Booking

You may have different groups staying for different lengths of stay, e.g. Leaders in an advance party, Scouts coming for a whole week, Cubs just for the weekend and perhaps Beavers just coming out for a day.  In that case, please add a separate item in your cart for each length of stay, using the 'add more bookings' button in the cart.  Please feel free to ask before you make your booking if you're unsure how to complete it.'


(Name of Scouting group or Organisation)

Booking dates and times
Terms and conditions

Before booking, please ensure you read the below terms and conditions carefully. 

  1. A deposit of 10% is requested to hold dates. You can choose to pay in full if you prefer. 
  2. Final payment must be made no later than 7 days prior to date of arrival. 
  3. If you wish to amend the number of people attending, please email and we will adjust your invoice accordingly. Final numbers must be given no later than 7 days prior to arrival. 
  4. If booking is not acceptable/possible we will contact you within 14 days of enquiry and full deposit will be refunded via same payment method. 
  5. All adults staying overnight for a scout event MUST be DBS cleared
  6. We ask that the leader/adult in charge reads our "Important Information sheet" Click here
  7. If you are unable to use a credit card, please fill out this form and we will manually review whether we are able to allow BACS payments to be made for your booking. 
  8. All higher risk activities, such as (but not limited to) shooting, archery, axe throwing etc., must have adequate risk assessments in place assuming that other groups may be present on site unless specific sole letting of the site has been agreed with us in advance.
Total per person£1.50

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    Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

    Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath

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    Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

    Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath