And Young Leaders

14-18 Years Old
“Try more. See more. Do more. At Explorers, you’ll stand on your own two feet, and make memories to last a lifetime.”

Keynsham ScoutsWhat Explorers Do

Click on a question to find out more.
  • Who are Explorers?
  • Who leads explorers?
  • What do explorers get up to?

Explorers are a go-getting group of young people aged 14 to 18. Together, they make up the fourth section of the Scouts.

Week in and week out, they gather in groups called Units to try new things, make new friends and conquer the small task of changing the world.

Each Explorer Unit is made up of young people aged 14 to 18, led by adult volunteers who are on hand to share their skills and keep everyone safe.

Within their Unit, Explorers are part of a Patrol – smaller groups of Explorers who look out for one another, and help each other grow. Explorers usually gather in their Patrols at the beginning and end of meetings. They might also stick together on expeditions or trips away, or during certain activities.

Can young people become leaders?

Absolutely. If taking the lead sounds like something you’d like to try for yourself, sign up for the Explorer Scout Young Leader’s Scheme to get some hands-on experience volunteering with the younger Scout sections.

The bigger Scout family

Explorers are part of the global Scout family. Closer to home, they’re part of their wider local Scout District, alongside Network members (aged 18 to 25). Some Explorer Units may have a close link with a Scout Group in a local area.

Discover the world

Being an Explorer is all about discovering the world on your own terms and making the most of what you have, wherever and whoever you are.

Alongside your new friends, you’ll master the skills that will make you feel stronger and happier in the long run, and try things you’d never get the chance to do at home or at school.

Start small but think big

Explorers start small but think big. They stand up for what they believe and make a difference on their own doorstops, confident in the knowledge that their daily actions add up.

Seek out the answers to big questions.

Explorers seek out the answers to the big questions, and to the smaller questions that don’t seem to matter but really should.

Most importantly, they say yes more often than they say no – whether they’re signing up for their first major hike across Europe, or writing their first line of code, or accepting the last of the toasted marshmallows.

Explorer Unit

We are in partnership with Wansdyke District Explorer unit KESU

14 – 18 Yrs

Friday – 7.30pm – 9.15pm

1st Keynsham Scout Group

Scout Troops

Avon Troop

Monday 7.45pm – 9.15pm

Frome Troop

Tuesday 7.30pm – 9.15pm

Chew Troop

Wednesday 7.30 – 9.15 pm

Axe Troop

Thursday 7.30pm – 9pm

What to wearExplorer Uniform

What do Explorers wear?

Once they’ve had time to settle in to the group, Explorers get their own set of uniform to wear during meetings and on trips away. Usually, this consists of a beige shirt or blouse with their badges sewn on, which they pair with their Unit scarf – if they’re an independent Unit – or Group scarf, if their Unit is merged with a Scout Troop. This will vary slightly if your Explorer Unit is part of the Air Scouts or Sea Scouts. See below for uniform diagrams.

Alongside their shirts, Explorers might wear the accompanying blue uniform trousers or skirt, or they might save their uniform bottoms to wear for special occasions like awards ceremonies and public events – choosing to wear something more casual with their shirt during the week.   Optional accessories such as hats, hoodies, are also available.

Where can I buy it?

Please purchase an explorer shirt from either Blenheim Scout Shop or the UK Scout website. All other parts of the uniform are supplied by 1st Keynsham Scout Group.

Here’s where to sew on those badges…

Click here for diagram

Get your explorer badges sewn on for just £1 per badge

By Catherine is a local Tailor in Keynsham with links to 1st Keynsham Scouts. She can take the stress out of sewing on your badges for just £1 per badge. This is a special deal exclusively for 1st Keynsham Scouts. Catherine can also transfer existing badges to new uniforms for just £2 per badge.

Click here to visit her website or call 07989051818

Keynsham ScoutsWhat Young Leaders Do

Click on a question to find out more.
  • Who are Explorer Young Leaders?
  • The scheme
  • Who takes part?

Explorer Scout Young Leaders are Explorers who volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. They’re a valuable asset to any leadership team and play an active role in the section, bringing a range of fresh ideas to the table and acting as positive role models for the young people they work alongside.

All Young Leaders in the Beaver, Cub and Scout section who are between the ages of 14 and 18 must be members of a Young Leaders Unit.

The Explorer Scout Young Leaders’ Scheme is the training programme for Young Leaders. It contains 11 modules and four missions for them to work through whilst volunteering in their chosen section. Modules give Young Leaders the skills and knowledge to be successful in their role, while missions allow them to put everything into practice with support.

As well as developing valuable life skills, the scheme is an opportunity for Explorers to make a positive impact in their communities and to fulfil the service elements of many of the top awards in Scouts, or their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Recognition of achievement is available along the way, and on completion of the Scheme, the Young Leader is awarded with an Explorer Scout Young Leader belt buckle.

Although the scheme is usually taken on by Explorer Scouts looking for a new challenge, young people from outside Scouting can also participate if they are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or Queen’s Guide Award. They can do this by volunteering as non-members for a set period of time. For example, if they are completing their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, they can volunteer as a non-member for three to six months (the time required for the Bronze DofE volunteering section).

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Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath

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Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath