6-8 Years
“Try new things. Make new friends. Joining Beavers is just the beginning of your big adventure.”

Keynsham BeaversWhat Beavers Do

Click on a question to find out more.
  • Who are Beavers?
  • What do Beavers get up to?
  • Who leads Beavers?

Beavers are young people aged 6 to 8 who:

Master new skills and try new things
Have fun and go on adventures
Make friends
Are curious about the world around them
Help others and make a difference, on their own doorstops and beyond
Every week, they gather in groups called Beaver Colonies to hop, skip and jump their way through lots of different games and activities – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.

Exploring the great outdoors

You’ll spend lots of time outside with your Colony. Together, you might build a den, or go on a trip to the seaside, or host a Beaver sleepover beneath the stars.

Trying new activities and learning new things

Going to Beavers is very different from going to school. Instead of learning from books, you’ll figure the world out by exploring, playing and doing.

Helping others

Beavers work as a team to help other people, in their local communities and beyond.

Each Colony is made up of young people aged 6 to 8, led by an adult Beaver leader. Other adult volunteers are on hand to supervise activities, share their skills and keep everyone safe. In some groups, Beaver leaders are nicknamed after characters from nature, books or films. In others, Beavers call their leader by their real first name.

Within their Colony, some Beavers are also part of a Lodge. A Lodge is a smaller group of Beavers, usually headed up by a young person who takes on a peer leadership role (sometimes known as a Lodge Leader or Junior Leader).

Being a peer leader is about being a superhero for a little while – doing things like welcoming new people to the Colony, being extra helpful during a camp, or taking charge of a game or activity. Everyone takes it in turns to take on the challenge.

Beavers usually stand together in their Lodges at the beginning and end of meetings. They tend to stick together on trips away, or during certain activities.

Keynsham Scout Group

Beaver Colonies

Rocky Colony

Tuesday – 6.15pm – 7.15pm

K2 Colony

Friday – 6.15pm – 7.15pm

What to wearBeaver Uniform

What do Beavers wear?

Beaver uniform consists of a blue sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’ to represent your local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts, if you’d like to. 

Why is uniform important?

Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means you can run around and get messy without ruining your other clothes. It makes you feel part of a team. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out. And it gives you a place to show off all the brilliant badges you earn.

Where can I buy it?

Purchase a jumper from either Blenheim Scout Shop or the UK Scout website. Polo shirt is optional. Our Group scarf, woggle and badges are supplied by 1st Keynsham Scout Group at no cost.

1st Keynsham Colours

Here’s where to sew on those badges…

Click here for diagram

Get your beaver badges sewn on for just £1 per badge

By Catherine is a local Tailor in Keynsham with links to 1st Keynsham Scouts. She can take the stress out of sewing on your badges for just £1 per badge. This is a special deal exclusively for 1st Keynsham Scouts. Catherine can also transfer existing badges to new uniforms for just £2 per badge.

Click here to visit her website or call 07989051818

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Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath

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Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath