8-10½ Years
“Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.”

Keynsham CubsWhat Cubs Do

Click on a question to find out more.
  • Who are Cubs?
  • What do Cubs get up to?
  • What does a pack look like?

Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½ who:

  • Master new skills and try new things
  • Have fun and go on adventures
  • Make friends
  • Are curious about the world around them
  • Help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond

Every week, they gather in groups called Cub Packs to take part in lots of interesting and challenging activities – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.

Going on adventures

Race down a river. Tell stories by torchlight. Fall asleep beneath the stars. Alongside your Pack, you’ll spend plenty of time in the great outdoors. Together, you might build a den in your local park, or create an edible raft out of sweets, or go on a moonlit hike through your hometown.

Learning new skills

Cubs learn by doing, and so will you. Some of the skills you develop will be practical, like knowing how to cook a delicious meal or give someone first aid.

Helping others

Cubs work as a team to help other people. Together, you’ll learn about global issues and what we can all do to help solve them.

All Cubs are members of the global Scout family. Closer to home, they’re also part of a wider local Scout Group, alongside Beavers (aged 6 to 8) and Scouts (aged 10 ½ to 14). When they’re older, they can join Explorers (for 14 to 18 year olds) and – eventually – Scout Network (for our young adult members aged 18 to 25).

Each Pack is made up of young people aged 8 to 10, led by an adult Cub leader traditionally nicknamed Akela after the wise leader of the wolf pack in Rudyard Kipling’s novel, The Jungle Book.

As well as the Cub leader, other adults are on hand to supervise activities, share their skills and keep everyone safe. Other young people aged 14 to 18 might help out, too. These are Explorer Scouts taking part in the Explorer Scout Young Leader programme. Within their Pack, Cubs are also part of a Six. A Six is a smaller group of Cubs, headed up by a Sixer and a Seconder. Sixers and Seconders are Cub Scouts who are chosen to take on leadership responsibilities, such as welcoming new people to the Pack, being extra helpful on camp, or taking charge of a particular game or activity.

Keynsham Scout Group

Cub Packs

Chiltern Pack

Monday 6.30pm – 8pm

Cotswold Pack

Wednesday 6.15pm – 7.45pm

Quantock Pack

Thursday 6.30pm – 8pm

What to wearCub Uniform

What do Cubs wear?

Cub uniform consists of a green sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’ to represent your local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts.

Why is uniform important?

Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the Pack. It also gives you a place to show off all the badges you earn.

Where can I buy it?

Purchase a jumper  from either Blenheim Scout Shop or the UK Scout website. Polo shirt is optional. Our Group scarf, woggle and badges are supplied by 1st Keynsham Scout Group at no cost.

1st Keynsham Colours

Here’s where to sew on those badges…

Click here for diagram

Get your cub badges sewn on for just £1 per badge

By Catherine is a local Tailor in Keynsham with links to 1st Keynsham Scouts. She can take the stress out of sewing on your badges for just £1 per badge. This is a special deal exclusively for 1st Keynsham Scouts. Catherine can also transfer existing badges to new uniforms for just £2 per badge.

Click here to visit her website or call 07989051818

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Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath

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Copyright by 1st Keynsham Scout Group. All rights reserved.  Registered Charity No. 305626

Website Design by Serious Web Design – Web Designer in Bath